Jake Onyett is a U.S. Navy veteran who was born in Canada, raised in the United States, and currently lives in Italy. He is a graduate of Niagara University, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Bologna. His poetry appears/will appear in Ink in Thirds, Lone Mountain Literary Society, and Stone Poetry Quarterly, among other publications.
Jake Onyett
Make your peace with the underbelly
For there is none higher up
In the rarefied plane
Where worries are warts
To be excised with immediacy
To keep the beauty afloat
The laughter rich and huffing
From a cylinder of gas
Keep a secret in your bunk
A ripening pair of blinking eyes
Sapphire peering through the skin
You can sleep on the decision
Can sleep on all your choices
And wake in a trance of reaffirmation
Of things you can't help but live