Adam Lawrence's poetry has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Train: A Poetry Journal, SurVision Magazine, FreeFall, and Carousel. Adam is currently working on several chapbook projects. He works as a freelance copyeditor and writer in Florenceville- Bristol, the French Fry Capital of the World.
Adam Lawrence
Morning Chorus
Out of the morning's dry cold fingers, a warm thought escapes. The birds have packed it in. An old junker backs out of a driveway with a creaking spasm. Here's some brittle string for wrapping a present. Who says red licorice can't grow on trees? Look: the bruised sky of night has faded. Yes, it's morning, but the roof is still asleep. It drools. The kitchen's awake, but it needs a coffee. And the windows? They've had too much. Hard to follow their jittery chorus—which doesn't bode well for the first act.