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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Virna Chessari is an Italian, History and Latin and Greek teacher at a high school in Palermo. She is the author of the poetic collection "The Ulysses Butterfly La farfalla di Ulisse", Passerino Editore in Italian and English, the novel "I Finsword. L'alba dei Purosangue", Capponi Editore and the collection of Fables "Il Favolfiore. Favole per crescere", Pietro Vittorietti Editore in Italian.

She has been published in newspapers, magazines (Straylight Magazine, Blue Lake Review, Arba Sicula, Cardinal Sins, Triggerfish Critical Review) and cultural websites. She has found in English the right notes to express her inner world and her missing words. Facebook: Virna Chessari Instagram: lifeandpoetryjourney

Virna Chessari

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Little lights

Let's build together this road
I, a brick; you another.
It will be rough and raw
and the grass will continue growing,
at the sides and between the edges
of the days without sun.
We'll walk
between tuneless chimes
and simple homilies
of intrepid dandelion seeds
eager for earth.
But what does she know about our love?
About sulky smiles and stones of river
that doesn't choose to flow
but it surrenders itself and drags us