shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Amanda Faye Martin is a playwright, and occasional writer of poems, short stories, and satire. She is originally from the U.S., but resides in Dunedin, New Zealand. She is currently the Playwriting Fellow at the University of Otago.

Amanda Faye Martin

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The uncertainty principle

You see how the world works?
It works in a very organized fashion, it seems.
Middle Ground closes at midnight
That man always pours salt on the ground when it snows
And the red haired boy in that chair over there?
He's always smiling.
And they'll just keep doing as they do,
Going as they go
Cleaning tables, pouring salt, loving.
Other things, perhaps, are not so predictable
There are many things I cannot understand.
Did you know electrons do not follow an exact path?
That what we are fundamentally made out of is based on uncertainty?
Heisenberg, I think, said that.
But I don't know.
I've never been very good at science.