Since 2006 The Fib Review has been an online poetry journal that specializes in only one particular poetry form - the Fibonacci poem. Submissions are carefully selected for publication based on their poetic value and their adherence to the Fibonacci number sequence whether in syllable count, word count or any other experimental genre yet to be created.
The Fib Review Issue #9 features an international community of poets representing Canada, Italy, New Zealand, the UK, and the US.
This issue welcomes back the talents of Tim Hawkins, John A. Mills, and Yokei who continue to regale us with their poetry. New poets to The Fib Review, Ashley Baldon, Joseph Farley, Gail Fishman Gerwin, Peggy Heinrich, Lani Jo Leigh, and RL Raymond, bring fresh voices filled with humor and insight into human nature. Mark Arvid White and Erik Fuhrer continue to push the envelope of the Fibonacci form with their shaped poems. WolfieWolfgang shares moments of emotional intimacy in his poetry. You can hear the music in Charmaine Thomson's poem, while Deryn Pitar presents us with a flash of tragedy. Natalie Boisard-Beudin's and Lois Elaine Heckman's powerful poetry gives us food for thought.
Issue #9 continues to flourish in the tradition of the previous eight issues offering the reader great poetry that just happens to be in a structured form. We hope you enjoy it.
Mary-Jane Grandinetti
The Fibonacci poem is a poetry form based on the structure of the Fibonacci number sequence. For those unfamiliar with the Fibonacci Sequence, it is a mathematical sequence in which every figure is the sum of the two preceding it. Thus, you begin with 1 and the sequence follows as such: 1+1=2; then in turn 1+2=3; then 2+3=5; then 3+5=8 and so on. The poetry sequence therefore consists of lines of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and so on with each number representing the number of syllables or words that a writer places in each line of the poem. As a literary device, it is used as a formatted pattern in which one can offer meaning in any organized way, providing the number sequence remains the constancy of the form.
The subject of the Fibonacci poem has no restriction, but the difference between a good fib and a great fib is the poetic element that speaks to the reader. No longer just a fun form to write as a math student, the poets who write good Fibonacci poems have replaced the 'geek' with the poet.