shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


S.E.Ingraham lives and writes in Canada's northern most provincial capital, Edmonton, Alberta, on the 53rd parallel, sometimes also referred to as being on the lip of the Arctic Circle. She shares space there with the love of her life, and an extremely loyal wolf/border-collie. For the last three summers, she has spent significant amounts of time in Europe, most notably - with a group of krypt-kickers (aka archaeological students) - in a small town in southern Italy. She believes all of these things influence her work enormously. Or not. At present she is gearing up for an intensive whirlwind of poetry writing, the Pulitzer Remix Project, about which more may be learned here: Among other places, Ingraham's work appears, or will soon: Red Fez, The Blackbird Sings, Pyrokinection, Prompted, Storm Cycle: The Best of 2012, Poetic Bloomings - The First Year, and A Handful of Stones. Other examples of her poetry may be found here: here: and here:


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Blues over Bosnia


A cello cries in my church today
Mourning the loss of music here
The sounds of joy are leaving
Us to grieve in silence
Soon as war shuts our
Doors and kills the
Light, the notes
And the