Nancy Tinnell and Nate Jacob
this is what I know
what once was love is fading
sinking like the sun
as it releases the day
to become a dawn elsewhere
mark this end of night
across morning's bending sky
I've waited enough
to hold you against the light
know you through and through
Nancy Tinnell is a poet from Louisville, KY. Her poetry has appeared in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, ONE ART 2024 Haiku Anthology, and Poetry Breakfast. She has published two chapbooks and enjoys organizing performance events that include poetry reading and music. Nate Jacob is a stay-at-home father to six children, stay-at-home husband to one wife, and a poet in between. He writes about fatherhood and family, hoping to make some sense of it all between dinner time and bedtime. Mostly, Nate needs a nap.