Linda H.Y. Hegland is an award-winning poetry, lyric essay, and non-fiction writer who lives and writes on a small farm in Nova Scotia, Canada. She writes the occasional short story. Born in Bath, England, she grew up on the stark prairies of western Canada, and now returns to coastal/bucolic climes in Nova Scotia. Her writing most often reflects the influence of place, and sense of place, and one's complex and many-layered relationship with it. She has published in numerous literary and art journals and has had work nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She has had previously published two books of poetry - 'Bird Slips, Moon Glows' and 'White Horses', a book of lyric essays - 'Place of the Heart', and a book of verses and vignettes - 'Remember in Pieces'. She is currently working on another book of poetry and vignettes to be published in early 2025.
Linda HY Hegland
Total Eclipse
The day the sun disappeared
and the birds grew quiet;
that was the day
I felt small inside,
and how can that be with
all the universe inside of me –
the star tracks and
the heaving pulse;
the constellations in my eyes?
The flaming star that lights our days,
that hangs light on
upturned leaves and dripping rain,
could be blackened by a cold moon;
a moon that lights the dark like ice,
reflecting in its nightly skies;
the constellations in my eyes.