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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Deborah P Kolodji, a haiku poet from Southern California, and Mariko Kitakubo, a tanka poet from Tokyo, started writing Tan-ku sequences and sets during the pandemic when they were both unable to travel to poetry readings, conferences, and events. Mariko writes a tanka and Deborah responds with a haiku or vice versa. The sets have one haiku/tanka each, and they have also written longer sequences of six links or even ten. To date, they have written over 130 of these Tan-ku sets and sequences. Their first collection of Tan-ku, Distance, was published by Shabda Press in April 2023.

Deborah P Kolodji & Mariko Kitakubo

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by Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji

this sunset
is only for today
step by step
I'll be able to
start a new life

ocean swallowing
the remaining light