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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Rose Mary Boehm is a German-born British national living and writing in Lima, Peru, and author of two novels as well as seven poetry collections. Her poetry has been published widely in mostly US poetry reviews (online and print). She was twice nominated for a Pushcart. Her latest: Do Oceans Have Underwater Borders? (Kelsay Books July 2022), Whistling In The Dark (Cyberwit July 2022), and Saudade (December 2022) are available on Amazon.

Rose Mary Boehm

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Paralized from skin to liver,
heart beats miss, our quivering hands
reach for the cross of supreme sacrifice.

Believe. Free yourself from accountability
or monsters will devour you because you're guilty.
Dearly beloveds, the church is forgiveness.

Pass the rosary.
Rats escape the ship of our ignorance,
our terror of the unknown.

In the dark we want to believe
that light is for the reaching. The arm of the man
in black points in the opposite direction.
God has nothing to do with this.