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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Anon Baisch is currently a data analyst working in the semiconductor industry and lives in Saitama, Japan. Anon's poems have been published most recently in OxMag, Levitate, and forthcoming from Waxing & Waning andWaxing & Waning. Anon's collection w/Ashes is forthcoming from April Gloaming.

Anon Baisch

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44755 - on the blinking light of my hibernating laptop

The currency of off blinks a slow persistent green ::
the reminders of absence are constant -
so we ignore them:
opiate eyes lackluster interior the doldrum electric ::
the sucking cults gather dispersions into dim darkness -
this is how the ownership of light is subdued ::
the birth oddity of remuneration microfees its toxin ::
false cocks into poverty for the comfort of dissipate heat ::
the processor's mild burn against our skin ::
this is desire