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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Daniel Schulz is a writer known for his publications in journals such as Mirage, Gender Forum, Fragmented Voices, Versification, Outcast Press Journal, The Wild Word, Steel Jackdaw, and Flora Fiction, as well as publications in anthologies such as Heart/h (Fragmented Voices 2021), Eat Your Heart Out (Profils Americain 2022), and the catalog Get Rid of Meaning (Walther König 2022). In 2022 he was nominated for the Pushcart Poetry Prize.

Daniel Schulz

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Subway stations are the chapter houses of the city,
where homeless people go to pray for warmth,
subterranean echo chambers to the choir of trains,
which carry our tired dancing bodies into the light.
Advertisements set up like the images of saints,
hovering over our fate, selling us a ticket to paradise,
as the dirt of our boots falls to the worn out tiles.
We all are people here, trying to leave a life behind
while passing to the next. Holding coffee cups
like offering bags, asking for just one more day.