Linda Lerner
I felt it brush right through me
"someone's walking over your grave,"
my grandmother would have said
I barely glimpsed wiz by me
a soft breeze like music l couldn't see
to grasp, hovering near
who meant no harm, but fearing
I walked faster to shake free of
what I'd later wing out in my mind
from that flutter of orange bordered black
exquisiteness my eye had fast caught
failing to recognize what now
takes my breath away
My book, Taking the F Train, a collection of poems (NYQ Books) was just published, Oct. 2021. Previously published, When Death is a Red Balloon, Lummox Press, 2019 and A Dance Around the Cauldron, a prose work which consists of nine characters during the Salem witch trials brought into our own times (Lummox Press, 2017.) Yes, the Ducks Were Real & Takes Guts and Years Sometimes (NYQ Books (2011 & 2015). I live in New York City--- more than the place where I reside but one whose rhythms infuse my poetry.