Edytta Anna Wojnar
On Valentine's Night
she is an errant
fury crumbling
clouds into pebbles.
A hail goddess
eddying sadness
as if it were smoke
escaping roofs on fire.
When she opens
a window, shutters shift,
a barn owl screeches
and suddenly a red cardinal
lands on a frozen lake
and attacks its reflection.
Or is it a chocolate-filled
heart, a crimson ribbon
tied like a question?
Born and raised in Poland, Edytta Anna Wojnar now lives with her husband in northern New Jersey, where she teaches at William Paterson University. She is the author of chapbooks: Stories Her Hands Tell (2013) and Here and There (2014) published by Finishing Line Press. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The American Journal of Poetry, Lumina, Calyx, Paterson Literary Review, Narrative Northeast, Cagibi, and Ponder Review, among others.