shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Joanna M. Weston. Married; has one cat, multiple spiders, raccoons, a herd of deer, and two derelict hen-houses. Her middle-reader, 'Frame and The McGuire', published by Tradewind Books 2015; and poetry, 'A Bedroom of Searchlights', published by Inanna Publications, 2016. Other books listed at her blog:

Joanna M. Weston

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To My Great-Great Grandmother

Mary or Agnes or Agatha
your name is written in my bones
its memory kicking in my blood
for you are my brown eyes
and short straight nose

like you I don't swear
or stick my tongue out
at the kids on the street
though what they shout
might raise your eyebrows

did you kow-tow to your husband
secretly keep your own bank account
write love-letters to the man
you met at the concert last year?
whisper his name which I will keep
as my own secret love