The Fib Review Issue #31 offers our readers another Fibonacci experience. As an editor, I look forward
to reading the Fib Review submissions because I know our return poets who have found a home in our journal
will provide more of their sensitive, sharp-witted and extraordinary poetry. What is more exciting is to
see the transition of Shot Glass poets we've published blossom into new Fib poets.
It doesn't take much to write a Fib - just imagination, a good poetic voice and the ability to count
syllables or words on all fingers and toes. Poets who write poems using the Fib format have provided
us with this wonderful issue. We hope you enjoy it.
Please be sure to visit our Fib Review's Writer's Archive or in our Issues Archives to read poems
from past poets and issues.
What can we say about our webmaster, Lonnard Dean Watkins. He not only makes our journal and our
poets look amazing on the page, but he's one of our finest Fib poets as well.
Mary-Jane Grandinetti
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