William Teets
Seaside Heights
I've never been to Greasy Lake, but I did spend two weeks during my twelve-year-old
summer at Seaside Heights. I fell in love for the first time. With four or five girls who
didn't understand a light punch to the shoulder meant affection, and there are rules
involved, etiquettes to be followed, when someone hits you and says, "You're it." I'm
sure they learned later, most sweet sixteen girls do, that clutching pink bikini tops while
running and laughing across the beach sands, chased by boys in blue bathing suits
harboring their own learned norms, means they must ride the backseat of the tandem
bicycles down on the boardwalk, even if they peddle faster, even if they are stronger.
William Teets is a writer born in Peekskill, New York, who has recently relocated to Southeast, Michigan. He misses New York pizza, the Hudson River, and Fran, Remember the Good Times '68. Mr. Teets' poetry and prose has been published in numerous journals and anthologies, including Ariel Chart, Drunk Monkeys, Abandoned Mine, and Impspired. A collection of his poetry, After the Fall, was published by Cajun Mutt Press in February 2023.