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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Tony McAndrew is the author of three novels and a collection of short stories. His poetry has appeared in North Dakota Quarterly Review, Artvilla, Abergavenny Press among others. His first collection of poems, The Damage of Jokes, was published in 2023 by Wild Wolf. A Paramedic for over thirty years he is now retired and lives on the Gower Peninsula, South Wales, UK.

Tony McAndrew


Honesty at Three Cliffs Bay

Sometimes I just wish she was dead and gone,
you said so quietly, sat on a driftwood log, gazing out to sea,
eating a beef and mustard sandwich and sipping tea
from the cup of an old flask as if you'd said nothing wrong.
Harsh, yes, but I know the family and it's hard not to agree

that cruelty will have to drink its own poison in the end.
And by the way, why don't we all admit to
these fleeting thoughts, impulses and urges or do
we lie to ourselves? Each other? Some refuse to pretend. Well, Tone, if I can't be honest with you...