Shamik Banerjee is a poet from India. He resides in Assam with his parents. His poems have been published by The Society of Classical Poets, Sparks of Calliope, The Hypertexts, Snakeskin, Ink Sweat & Tears, and Autumn Sky Daily, among others.
Shamik Banerjee
Good News
A usual morning. I was steeped in files
immovably until the landline yelled.
From it, a soft, familiar tone compelled
my anchored lips to bring out half-creased smiles.
And then you broke the news with great delight:
"A prince has filled my home with ample grace.
All say his supple hands and radiant face
bear true imprints of mine." A blissful, light
sensation ran through me as if each cell
were leaping high. Along the handset's wire,
my warm tears hung, curbing my throat's desire
to phrase my joy. You understood that well
and kept a friendly silence. "And his name?"
I asked. "Kabeer," your voice rang in the air—
the very name we thought of for our heir
before fate's flambeau set our bond to flame.