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"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Marcus Ten Low is an eco-ethicist and versatile artist who aspires to be "kind to all beings", currently living on unceded Jagera and Turrbal land. He has been published numerous times in Quadrant, in The Big Issue (Australia), and by the Animal Justice Party (Qld). He has been incarcerated in mental institutions and police cells on more than 20 occasions.@antibreeder1m, his social media actively promotes causes to mitigate the imminent destruction of the world.

Marcus Ten Low


Elders, We

The sun has set upon our heads
So many times, spilling behind walls and opening doors.

We cling to the dear young
So tenderly, not just for their dreams, but swirled with fear,

A webbed skin of such preponderance,
Whittling down skinnier or sunken breaths, groping for love

In all its semblances, assured and reassured,
For nothing we possess could lose the years—

O look with your dulled eyes
Into the skies, rising above the festoons of your dress—

O wizened one, you have a million
Things left to confess, but as the wind blows through us,

Our memories will fade, some grow wings,
Some run through tired veins, with whatever mood that brings.