Karen O'Leary is a freelance writer from West Fargo, ND. She has published poetry, short stories, and articles in a variety of venues including, Hedgerow, Haikuniverse, Frogpond, Setu, Fine Lines, Shot Glass Journal and Quill & Parchment. Karen edited an international online journal called Whispers for 5 ½ years. She enjoys sharing the gift of words.
Paul Callus is a retired teacher who lives in Malta, Europe. He has been active in the literary field for around 50 years. He writes poetry, short stories, and lyrics for songs, mostly in English, Maltese, and Italian. His work has been published in various anthologies, journals and online sites. He is also a translator and proofreader.
Paul Callus and Karen O'Leary
therapeutic putty
senior citizen's
play doh
remoulding levels
of arthritic pain