Bernadette Gallagher was born in Donegal and now lives in Cork. Her poems have been published in Irish Examiner, Boyne Berries, ROPES, Stanzas, in the US peace journal DoveTales and online at, Picaroon Poetry, Poethead, The Incubator, Live Encounters, Backstory and Other Terrain. A selection of her poems have been recorded by the University College Dublin Poetry Archive. More information is available on her writing blog:
Bernadette Gallagher
Another World
From the far side of your studio
I see the time.
On the trolley I read Liquin Original
On my lap Virgil, The Aeneid sits.
I can see into the distance but not
What is before my eyes.
I sit and wait as you scribe Poets Abroad.
Head bent right hand moving quickly
With graphite. Tick Tock Tick Tock
Sound of electric light hum
My writing is large almost legible
Almost midnight.