shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Gavin Lucky is currently a teacher who lives in Bahrain. His work has appeared in Shot Glass Journal, MacQueen's Quinterly, Riverbed Review and Otoliths.

Gavin Lucky

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Poetry is hard work and the pay is terrible.
The hours are no good
sometimes you'll have to walk three, four miles
in the gray light-misting rain before you come up with one good line and
sometimes it isn't even any good.

But then sometimes, sometimes
it gets good to you. You're in some 16th century palazzo,
not your own, and you sit down
on a bench and a cherub winks at you
and out comes the notebook you got for christmas
two years ago and the bic pen you've carried across three continents like a relic, like a piece of the true cross,
because it always works and that's what you do,
even if you are inconsolable, even if you aren't, you go to work and the universe, for a moment, hums along with you.