shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Carl Boon lives in Izmir, Turkey, where he teaches courses in American culture and literature at 9 Eylül University. His poems have appeared in many magazines, including Posit, The Maine Review, and Diagram. A Pushcart Prize nominee, Boon recently edited a volume on the sublime in American cultural studies.

Carl Boon

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Marcy and the Wall

Marcy wakes at first light and asks
the wall if she's her mother,
if things happen in the dark
that every night transform her—
her hands are not the hands they were
that evening, her hips nondescript,
not the beds of shale they used to be.
She cries a little, and pours
cold water into a coffee cup. Get up,
the wall says, go to Philadelphia
or go to Greece. Go anywhere
and leave me to consider
what matters of you, the highlights
in your hair, the cold comfort
of having no body to condemn.