shot glass
nz shot glass
Issue # 2 September 2010
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Alison Denham is a New Zealand poet, now living in Dunedin. Poetry has been published in various journals and magazines in NZ and the UK such as Poetry NZ, Sport,Takahe,Iota, NZ Listener. A first collection of poems was published by Christian Grey NZ, Auckland in 1999 and subsequent poems in an anthology 'When the Sea Goes Mad at Night' also by Christian Grey.

Alison Denham

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How to Treat Moonlight

Treat as for best whisky.
Carry in a silver flask
inside your hunting jacket's
hidden pocket.

Bring it with you on the night hunt
when it's cold and shadowy.
A freezing ground fog swirls
around your ankles

Take it out, unstop, swig.
Swear a secret oath to Diana
by all that is illicit, in the name
of cellared starwater everwhere, effervescent
nebulas fizzing in the still of outer space.
Chuck it down you.

Don't be surprised if your quarry escapes.