shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


Mark A. Murphy is the author of two chapbooks, Tin Cat Alley and Our Little Bit of Immortality. His first full length collection, Night-watch Man & Muse was published in November 2013 from Salmon Poetry (Eire).

Murphy's poems have been published in over 100 magazines and ezines in 17 different countries world wide. He is currently working on a new play, Lenny's Wake for which he is looking for a publisher and production.

Mark A. Murphy


Saturday Ontology

An atheist father writes a letter to his Catholic daughter...

Between the mountains and the sea, the woman
cranes her neck to see the hand written script,
which is quite indecipherable, but no less eloquent
for it, when the father asks, 'Isobel, don't you see –
Death's like naught else? And his shadow falls across the land.