shot glass
"... brevity is the soul of wit ..."
- William Shakespeare


I was born in Zimbabwe, in the remote eastern highlands district of Nyanga,
in Mapfurira village. Left Nyanga for Chitungwiza city in 1994, and I started exploring writing that year, when I was barely twenty. My first book to be published, Voices from exile, a collection of poetry on Zimbabwe's political situation and exile in South Africa, by Lapwing publications, Ireland, 2010. KEYS IN THE RIVER: Notes from a Modern Chimurenga, a novel of interlinked stories that deals with life in modern day Zimbabwe was published by Savant books and publications, USA 2012,
found here; http://www.savantbooksandpublications.
. A book of creative non-fiction pieces, THE BLAME GAME, will be published by Langaa RPCIG( Cameroon 2013), a novel entitled, A DARK ENERGY will be published by Aignos publishing company( USA). I was nominated for the Pushcart twice, 2008, 2010, commended for the Dalro prize 2008, I was nominated and attended Caine African writing workshop, 2012. Published over 250 pieces of short stories, essays, memoirs, poems and visual art in over 150 magazines, journals, and anthologies in the following countries, the USA, UK, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe, India, Mexico, Kenya, Cameroon, Italy, Ghana, Uganda, France, Zambia, Nigeria, Spain, Romania, Cyprus, Australia and New Zealand.

Tendai Mwanaka

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Up To Now

Up to now he knows you still haven't figured out why he avoided you after the prayers that day, why he left you with your Auntie, why he left for home, alone even though it was raining that evening.

Up to now he knows you haven't figured out that he was so scared of you, of what you now represented to him, of how he felt for you.

He had never been a child, all his life and, for him to now trust you completely the way he did was to part away with bits of himself that he never wanted to part with, in order to make room for you.

The balance of this loss and whatever of his reach, still left in him, was like the colour of absence to him.